Dachas and Family Memories in Belarus

Varia: Memory and Heritage
By Ronan Hervouet

This paper endeavours to understand how in the Soviet and Post-Soviet world, dachas and kitchen gardens are places where memories can be passed down. The singular narrative of Tatar patriarch Pavel Ivanovitch exemplifies how this garden, as the memory of a nourishing land, enabled his family to survive collectivisation and the Great Patriot War. Although belittled by Bolshevik authorities, this family was able to keep up to its social status. By contrast, dacha transmission and its accompanying memory are not easy since some members of the kindred refuse it, thus threatening the group cohesion. It even happens that inheritance is totally turned down, or the dačnik, rejecting a maimed and shameful self-image – in relation to a collapsing world – might forego his passion’s transmission of the dacha.


  • Byelorussia
  • kitchen garden
  • dachas
  • family
  • memory
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