Blind Love

Hindered Love
By Zina Weygand

Having the right to share affection and to achieve sexual fulfilment is among the demands of those who find themselves handicapped. Even if this demand is relatively new in France, the aspiration of handicapped people for love and a married life is by no means new. The answers given by society to this aspiration have varied according to different historical periods.This article is at the crossroads of the history of handicaps, of women, of the body and of love and centers on the “Reflections” of Thérèse-Adèle Husson, a young blind. Answers given by authors, both blind and sighted, in the xixth and early xxth centuries to the aspiration of the blind for marriage and a family life are scrutinized.


  • blind
  • woman
  • senses
  • love
  • marriage
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