What Muslims Are Telling Us about the Gironde Countryside

Islam in France. Practices and daily lived experiences
By Chantal Crenn

Located in the shadow of the prestigious Saint Emilion wine-producing district on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the city of Bordeaux and, the Gironde region is part of an idealized urban French imaginary of the country’s deep viticultural traditions. This vision projects a vision of an “authentic,” Christian region despite the long-standing presence of numerous Muslim agricultural workers. The recent circulation of rumors regarding the construction of a Salafist mosque reflect the tenacity of such representations, as well as a resistance to change among the region’s inhabitants, including Muslims. Currently impoverished and relegated to the status of “a suburb of Bordeaux,” the area has experienced a pattern of increasing tensions based on religious differences.


  • Rumor
  • Mosque
  • Muslims
  • Rurality
  • Ethnicities
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